Whether you’re new to Facebook or were a Harvard University student when Zuckerberg first came up with it all, it can be confusing when trying to keep up with all the new terms and features of the site. Facebook continuously introduces new features to keep up with their competitors and accommodate to their customers. In order to use Facebook effectively, users must stay up to date with the new terminology and features. Below is a list of common terms on Facebook that will help to clear up what these words really mean.
Like – When a user clicks the “like” button it means that they like the message presented. Others can see when a user “likes” a message.
Wall – A featured section on every Facebook profile that allows friends to post public messages to a user.
Status Updates – Status updates can be viewed by all of a user’s friends. A status update can be content including text, a video, photos, music, or links to other websites. Typically, users post status updates to share interests or information on Facebook.
Facebook Friends – In order for someone to become your friend on Facebook a request must be sent by you or the other user, and that request must be accepted. After the request has been accepted, when a friend posts a status update it shows up on your News Feed.
News Feed – Your News Feed is a way to see your friends’ posts in a collective way. The Feed is made up of individual status updates. When you update your status it will be seen on your friends’ News Feeds.
Fan Page – Facebook allows individuals to create a page about brands, causes, people, or businesses. Your friends on Facebook are able to see when you like a fan page.
Tagging – A user can be tagged in a video, picture, or status update. When a user is tagged in anything it appears as a status update in the tagger’s News Feed as well as the News Feed of the person tagged.
Admin – An Admin is the person in charge of the Facebook page. This user can invite people to the page, appoint other admins, and edit the page’s content.
Event Page – A user can create an event page that links to the original Facebook profile to promote an upcoming event. A user can share news about the event and invite Facebook friends to attend. Those invited can RSVP on this page or post on it with questions or comments.
Once you are familiar with the language of Facebook it become relatively easy to understand. Please share with us the terms that you find confusing or helpful when navigating Facebook!