Here at Tate Design, we strongly believe that developing a comprehensive, cohesive marketing strategy will always give you a distinct advantage, even in uncertain times. A marketing strategy
- Shows you what resources you already have at your disposal and how you are using them
- Saves you duplicate effort, time, and money by focusing your attention and energy on what matters most
- Addresses specific needs and desires instead of trying to appeal to a global population who may have little interest in you and your company
If you need to navigate unexpected challenges, these three areas are even more important. With a marketing plan already in place, you can simply tweak it as you answer questions like
- What resources can you repurpose or reuse?
- What matters most right now?
- How can you address real needs with the resources you have?
For example, we at Tate Design have seen a real need for updates to Web pages and Google Business Profile listings as our clients’ businesses evolve. We have also noticed a shift in how people search so we are helping our clients adjust their Google Ad campaigns accordingly.
We want to give you the information you need to make the decision that is right for you. In “What Is Digital Marketing?” we explained how digital marketing encompasses all marketing by electronic means, not just online marketing. We went on to define types of digital marketing in “What Are The Types Of Digital Marketing?” and included
- Bots
- Content marketing
- E-mail marketing campaigns
- Online advertising
- Search engine marketing (SEM)
- Search engine optimization (SEO)
- Social media marketing
- Website development
- Website reporting and analytics
As you can see, digital marketing is much more complex than posting whatever and whenever you want on social media sites. With a digital marketing plan, you are strategically working toward meeting needs. In the process, you are also attracting new customers, engaging current clients, increasing sales, achieving business results, and growing your business. All of our digital marketing and advertising is carefully planned and executed with you, your target audience, and your specific marketing goals in mind.
The best outcomes are achieved through collaboration and an open exchange of ideas and feedback between you and our team. Our conferences have always offered flexibility and convenience whether they are in person or virtually.
We bring our award-winning expertise and an ongoing drive to improve and remain in the forefront of digital marketing to your marketing communications. We help you choose which of our many services will help you achieve your current goals. We then design a digital marketing plan that is unique to you. This gives your brand a polished and cohesive look and feel.
With a digital marketing plan, we find out where your target audience spends time and money and we focus attention there. We use high-quality graphics and content designed to encourage engagement and further action. Your target market has multiple opportunities to see and hear consistent, branded marketing communications from you. Thanks to your digital marketing plan, you stay in front of your target audience at all times.
Let us help you showcase your brand and maximize your resources. Call us at 610.725.0702 or e-mail today.
Updated December 2022